Saffron is a spice that comes from a plant named Crocus Sativus and has a very different color and strong fragrance. It is one of the most expensive spices in the world and that is why it is renowned as a Golden Spice. It is mostly cultivated in Middle Eastern countries, Afghanistan, Iran, and parts of Europe like Greece.
Saffron is known as the Father of Medicine as it is rich in antioxidants and is used to make many medicines. Along with its extensive use in the pharmaceutical industry, it is also used in teas, drinks, and as food color, food flavor, perfume ingredient, and a fabric dye.
There are many health benefits of Saffron. Some of the most common ones are:
1. A Powerful Antidepressant
Saffron is very effective in treating mild to moderate depression as it contains mood-boosting properties. Studies show that Saffron can increase dopamine levels in the brain without changing the levels of other brain hormones, such as Serotonin.
2. Provides Antioxidants
Saffron contains antioxidants like Crocin, Picrocrocin, and Safranal, which help to fight against oxidative stress and free radicals in the body. These oxidative stress and free radicals may cause the development of cancer and heart diseases in a person’s body.
3. Reduces Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Saffron helps in relieving the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. PMS can cause discomfort to a woman in 1-2 weeks before her menstrual cycle begins. Taking Saffron supplements daily throughout 2-3 menstrual cycles have a noteworthy decrease in PMS symptoms.
4. Prevents Cancer
Saffron contains antioxidants like Crocin, which helps to inhibit malignant cells from spreading and becoming cancerous. It does not have any effect on normal cells; in fact, it stimulates their formation and that of immune cells (known as lymphocytes) to help in destroying cancer cells.
5. Boosts Memory
Saffron contains Crocin and Crocetin, which help in improving memory learning and function. Crocin found in Saffron especially is very useful in age-related mental impairment and memory loss treatments. It also helps in treating brain diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
6. Improves Heart Health
Saffron contains many chemical components that strengthen the blood circulatory system and reduce the risk of heart diseases. It is also effective in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Due to its antioxidant properties, Saffron helps to maintain arteries and blood vessels healthy.
7. Acts as an Aphrodisiac
Aphrodisiac foods or supplements are known to improve the libido. People who are taking anti-depressants see it affects their erectile functions but taking saffron can show significant improvement. Consuming 30mg of saffron for 4 weeks will have significant results.
8. Aids Weight Loss
One of the main reasons behind weight gain is excess eating and munching on unhealthy food items. Consuming saffron will suppress the appetite which means that you will be consuming less food. Curbing your appetite and making you feel full is the only reason behind Saffron’s aid in the weight loss process.
9. Helps Improve Eyesight
There is some proof that saffron can also help in improving the eyesight or it at least makes sure to prevent further damage to the eyesight. It can also protect from any radical damage to the eyes.
10. Improves Bone Strength
Calcium is the main element that is responsible for bone strength. There are certain nutrients in saffron that can help in the absorption of calcium in the bones. Consuming saffron with foods that are high in calcium significantly helps with bone strength.
11. Improves Nerve Function
B6 is an essential vitamin required by the brain that helps it to run smoothly and also prevents any serious disorders. Saffron is rich in vitamin B6. Another research shows that saffron can also very successfully mitigate pain symptoms and also makes a person less sensitive to pain.
12. Helps Control Diabetes
Manganese helps in regulating the sugar levels in the body and the presence of manganese in saffron indicates that it can also regulate blood sugar levels. How this works in that when blood sugar levels are controlled, the insulin production is also regulated that keeps diabetes under control.
13. Reduces Acne
Saffron is a very rich source of minerals and vitamins and that is why it is good for the skin. It can also lighten the appearance of the skin by reducing the melanin content in the skin. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help with acne and acne scars.
14. Boosts Immune System
100mg of saffron daily can help in regulating the body which will help to boost the immune system. It will prove to be beneficial especially fighting the COVID-19.
15. Helps Alleviate Asthma
In some patients, saffron has also helped alleviate asthma. The clinical symptoms in asthma patients have seen to improve significantly.
16. Helps with Insomnia
Sleep deprivation is one problem that is very common these days. Every other person is suffering from insomnia. Saffron is a natural ingredient through which insomnia can be reduced and eliminated. It is a natural sleeping aid.
17. Benefits for Pregnant Women
For pregnant women, little doses of saffron are prescribed as large quantities that prove to be harmful. With the correct amount of consumption, there are a number of benefits that can be reaped from saffron in pregnancy:
- Helps with mood swings
- Manages blood pressure
- Alleviates morning sickness
Helps with digestion - Reduces cramps
This article is a clear indicator that Saffron is a miracle spice that has numerous benefits. You can make it part of your daily life to reap all its benefits.
Risk, Precaution and Dosage
Small quantities of Saffron have no adverse effects on human health. According to research, one can take up to 1.5 gram of Saffron/day, however 30mg consumption of Saffron every day is very safe and enough to gain its health benefits. Consuming more than 5 grams of Saffron can have toxic effects. Pregnant women are discouraged from using high doses of Saffron as it can result in a miscarriage. It is advised to consult your physician before starting any supplement.
The statements made concerning this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
It is not the purpose nor the intention of this website to provide medical information and suggestions for the diagnoses, prevention and/or treatment of any disease. For any of your medical issues and concerns you should always consult your doctor. Thank You