Saffron is a very famous spice that is used throughout the globe including North America; it is extracted from the Flowers of Crocus Sativus Linné. It is considered a delicacy, and that is why the original Saffron is extremely expensive. The red stigmas produced by the flower called the threads are removed carefully from the plants, and then they are dried; this forms the Saffron spice. Saffron has a very fragrant taste, and it is also used as a natural coloring agent. In recent times, Saffron tea has become somewhat famous due to Saffron’s enormous benefits. This article will document how Saffron tea can be beneficial and why you should include it in your daily routine.
Benefits of Saffron Tea
- Antidepressant
Saffron is also known as the sunshine spice because it has more lifting properties. Many people think that it is called sunshine spice because of its red and yellow hues, but actually, it is because of its properties. According to research, Saffron can be as effective as fluoxetine, which is a drug that can be used to cure mild depression. There has been significant improvement in the moods of people who consume Saffron tea every day. If you are someone who is not comfortable in taking antidepressants, Saffron tea can be a good alternative.
- Memory Booster
As the property suggests, Saffron is believed to improve memory functions. Saffron tea is a rich source of Crocin and Crocetin, which are both known to improve learning and memory functions. Researchers are confident that Saffron could have a potential in treating brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The research is only in the initial phase so nothing concrete can be said yet.
- Helps with PMS
Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS can be responsible for a variety of uncomfortable conditions, ranging from mood swings to physical discomfort. Saffron tea can be an excellent alternative to medication in relieving women from such symptoms. Saffron tea will relax your nerves and help you to calm down. It is prescribed to take 15 mg of Saffron twice a day to relieve PMS symptoms.
- Helps with Weight Loss
Saffron tea can help you in curbing your appetite by preventing you from unhealthy snacking. Consuming Saffron tea will make you feel full, and as a result, you will abstain from eating at odd times.
These are just a few benefits of Saffron tea; it is no less than a miracle spice and is rightly known as sunshine spice. Make it a habit to consume Saffron tea every morning to give yourself the start you deserve.
How to make Saffron tea, you can visit Eat Beautiful and Ciao Florentina